Programa de bilingüismo del IES Diego de Guzmán y Quesada (Huelva)


CIRO COMPETITION : 11, 12, AND 14 MAY 2021

We have celebrated online our CIRO competition, which was supposed to be carried out in June 2020. The experience has been amazing and our students have done an excellent performance with two winning projects on Sustainable Transport (Second Prize) and Sustainable Edification (Third Prize). Here you are a video with the best moments: 

 And some videos with our students and teachers' opinions on the experience:



Click here to have access to the etwining project on CIRO bilingual blog


ON 11 March, we celebrated in our highschool the IV JORNADAS BILINGÜES, a bilingual meeting with more than three hundred students participating from seven different highschools of this area. There were several workshops and one of them was devoted to CIRO project. The participants had the chance to get to know more about the CIRO project and learn of the importance of renewable energies, specially on hydrogen.

Students in first bilingual bacalaurate showed to students of fourth of secondary education the educational kits developed by ARIEMA, the coordinator of CIRO in Madrid (Spain), and CRES (in Greece). These models are a car and a house that function just with hydrogen. 
Participants where amazed with the workshop and the good explanations by our students, who are getting ready for the CIRO competition that will be held in Huelva next year, and by their teachers.
For more information on this meeting or on CIRO in our highschool, click on this link of our bilingual blog

CIRO WEBSITE : clic on this link to get updated on CIRO Project:

Transnational Meetings in Greece and Coesfeld, held in Octuber 2019 and January 2020 respectively


TRES CANTOS (Madrid) - March 7-8 2019 - First Meeting of members of the CIRO PROJECT

Representatives of CRES from Greece, EMILE from Great Britain, COLEGIO JESÚS NAZARENO from Spain, GYMNASIUM HERIBURG from Germany and DIEGO DE GUZMÁN & QUESADA Highschool from Spain have been hosted by ARIEMA in Madrid for the initial meeting of CIRO PROJECT. The meetings have been very productive and we have started working seriously for a product that is going to let us teach our students the importance of hydrogen as the best source for the terrible problem we are facing regarding global warming. We are really hopeful on excellent results with such a great team!

January, 18th 2019
Press Release

The Ciro Project starts after ensuring its funding in the European program Erasmus +

The Ciro Project takes its name from one of the protagonists of Jules Verne's novel The Mysterious Island. Jules Verne foresaw in this novel that hydro will be the fuel of the future – at this moment, near future.
“Yes, my friends, I believe that water will one day be employed as fuel, that hydrogen and oxygen which constitute it, used singly or together, will furnish an inexhaustible source of heat and light, of an intensity of which coal is not capable”
This is the context of the project “Ciro – Introducing the importance of the coming European “green” energy model in School Education”. Ciro Project aims of promoting the training of teachers and awareness of students, between 14 and 17 years, in the development of knowledge, skills and capabilities on climate change, sustainability, renewable energies, energy storage systems (emphasizing on hydrogen technologies) and the final applications of these technologies.
The project focuses on three consecutive milestones, 1) the development of new and interactive training contents about energy and climate change for training of trainers and its use as support for teaching in the classrooms; 2) the development of a digital didactic game based on creating a genuine sustainable city and two didactic kits to experiment, manage and practice with these technologies at first-hand; 3) the development of a competition among school centres about innovative and disruptive projects that improve air quality and reduce climate change in their cities, so that students express their full creative potential.
On December 26th, 2018, the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE, Ministry of Education Culture and Sport) approved the Ciro Project under the framework of Erasmus +.
Erasmus + is the European program focused on education, training, youth and sport in the period 2014-2020. The project has been funded under Key Action 2, specifically, as a strategic partnership to promote the acquisition of skills and key competences, as well as offer open education and innovative practices in a digital era. Furthermore, this program promotes cooperation, peer learning and the exchange of experiences at European level.
The Ciro Project is made up of a multidisciplinary European consortium composed by school centres, companies and technological centres of 4 different countries. There are 3 school centres, two from Spain IES Diego de Guzman (Huelva) and Colegio Jesús Nazareno (Madrid), and other from Germany, Städtisches Heriburg- Gymnasium.  Moreover, Cyber Coach Smart (United Kingdom) participates as a company specialized on digital didactic games, and the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) in Greece and ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente S.L. in Spain, as entities specialized on renewable energies and energy storage. ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente S.L. is the leader of this project.
The Ciro Project has been endowed with a total budget of 237.582,00 € and will have a total duration of 30 months (2018-2021).

For more information about the project, contact with:

Nota de prensa 

Comienza el proyecto Ciro financiado por el programa europeo Erasmus +

El proyecto Ciro toma su nombre del protagonista de la novela de Julio Verne, La Isla Misteriosa. En la novela, Julio Verne predijo que el combustible del futuro ya futuro cercano- será el hidrógeno.“Sí, amigos míos, creo que el agua se usará un día como combustible, que el hidrógeno y el oxígeno que la constituyen, utilizados aislada y simultáneamente, producirán una fuente de calor y de luz inagotable y de una intensidad mucho mayor que la de la hulla.” 

En este contexto se enmarca el proyecto “Ciro Introduciendo la importancia del próximo modelo europeo de energía “verde” en la Educación Escolar” con el objetivo de promover la formación de profesores y la concienciación de estudiantes, entre 14 y 17 años, en capacidades y competencias sobre el cambio climático, sostenibilidad, energías renovables, sistemas de almacenamiento energético (haciendo hincapié en las tecnologías del hidrógeno) y las aplicaciones finales de estas tecnologías.

 El proyecto se centra en la consecución de tres hitos consecutivos:
1) el desarrollo de contenidos formativos nuevos e interactivos sobre el área de energía y cambioclimático enfocado a la formación del profesorado y dar apoyo a la enseñanza en las aulas;
2) la creación de un juego didáctico digital basado en crear una auténtica ciudad sostenible junto con dos kits didácticos para experimentar, gestionar y practicarde primera mano con estas tecnologíasy; 
3) el desarrollo de una competición entre centros educativos sobre proyectos innovadoresy disruptivos que mejoren la calidad del aire y reduzcan el cambio climático en sus ciudades, para que los alumnos expriman todo su potencial creativo. 

El proyecto Ciro fue aprobado el pasado 26 de diciembrede 2018, por el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE, Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte) bajo el marco de Erasmus+. 

El proyecto ha sido financiado bajo la Acción Clave 2, específicamente, como asociación estratégica para impulsar la adquisición y desarrollo de capacidades y competencias clave, así como ofrecer una educación abierta y prácticas innovadoras en la era digital. Adicionalmente, este programa permite promover la cooperación, el aprendizaje entre iguales y el intercambio de experiencias a escala europea. 

El proyecto Ciroestá impulsado porun consorcio multidisciplinar y europeo formado por centros escolares, empresas y centros tecnológicos de 4 países diferentes. Son 3 los centros escolares que participan, 2 centros españoles IES Diego de Guzmány Quesada(Huelva) y Colegio Jesús Nazareno(Madrid), y un centro alemán, Städtisches Heriburg-Gymnasium(Coesfeld). Además, participa una empresa especializada en juegos didácticos digitales, Cyber Coach Smart (Reino Unido), y dos entidades expertas en energías renovables y almacenamiento energético, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES)en Grecia y ARIEMA Energía y Medioambiente S.L. en España., siendo este último socio coordinador del proyecto. 

El proyecto ha sido dotado con un presupuesto total de 237.582,00 € y tendrá una duración total de 30meses(2018-2021). 


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