Programa de bilingüismo del IES Diego de Guzmán y Quesada (Huelva)


miércoles, 12 de junio de 2019

On 1:23 by Anónimo   No comments



May 2019

On 3rd of May, we had the visit of Pablo Guisande, an expert of Huelva Heritage and former head of Huelva Museum, who told us about the sculpture of San Sebastian. He told us the conditions through which the sculpture passed and its restoration process.
He began by telling us that the sculpture was found in the 50s disassembled inside a tomb in the cemetery of Huelva. He also talked about the restoration that the sculpture went on. Moreover, he told us about the arrival of the sculpture to the museum of Huelva, where they could verify the failures committed previously and decided to make a complete restoration of the sculpture that went through to change the original image.

By Alejandro Martínez, Cinta Suero and some other students.

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